Happy Friday! It's still freezing here in Ohio with single digit temperatures so I am loving sharing some of my spring sessions from 2017! It is helping me remember warmer days are right around the corner... kind of. Just a few more months!
Today I am sharing the Hessel family session! You guys... this family means so much to me. For a long while there was a piece of my heart that was missing. Many of you know my neighbor passed away a few years ago, a couple of months after I got married. She wasn't just a neighbor though. She was like a grandmother to me. We were extremely close. I was devastated, to say the least. I did not get to say goodbye to her - I was too busy, to selfish to see her. I thought she'd come home... but then she did go *home* and I struggled with that for so long. I felt her everywhere, I saw her in everything.
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