Mallory PHSC Senior

This girl! So beautiful! I am so glad she chose me to take her senior portraits. Mallory is a senior at Pickerington High School Central and a Story Told Rep! She is also a soccer player for PHSC. I loved photographing her in her soccer jersey. {Go Lady Tigers!} From the day I met Mallory, I could not get over her hair! Look at how long and flowy and gorgeous it is! I asked her if she was going to cut it, and not yet- She's keeping it long. For her session, we split it for summer and fall. During her summer session, we met in German Village at Schiller Park and then for her fall session we went to my favorite place: Chestnut Ridge. Mallory agreed to hike the trail with me to the old house ruins and we snagged some shots before it got too dark! That trail is steeeeeep, and I was totally out of breath by the time we got to the top (haha!), but I am so glad we went up there to get a different, moodier look for her photos. I am so excited to see what her future holds. Have a great year, Mallory!